Friday, November 26, 2021

As the war drags on into its fifth year of fighting, the tides of battle seem to be turning. Reports are coming in from the front that the vile forces of the Traitor Legions are starting to turn on one another, eons old grudges pushing to the forefront of in fighting. Scouting units of the Valhallan 1001, under the command of Lt. Bjorn “the Kodiak” Gorgol confirm that a large force of World Eaters, dislodged from McCready airfield early in the war and though destroyed, have attacked entrenched units of the Angels of Rapture. While the battle was recorded on vid disk from afar, the Valhallans were witness to some of the most perverse, savage fighting of the campaign. The servants of the Blood God fell upon the Angels of Rapture in the pre-dawn hours, bombarding the fortified trenches surrounding the captured Iron Fist marine bastion with Medusa siege guns and Vindicator shells. Further heavy bombardment came down from the west, which Intel later revealed were from the siege guns of Zebra Station! 

Apparently, the Night Lords were aiding the World Eaters in their battle against the Angels of Rapture, directing the bombardment with unerring accuracy, disabling communications, and pulverizing the landing pads near the fortress! Many of the Angels were slain while in the ecstasy of torturing prisoners, flamers incinerating hundreds more as the World Eaters assailed the trenches in force. It became apparent The Angels were no match for the World Eaters, who excel at close combat fighting. After several hours of fighting, lumbering Dreadnaughts, armed with power claws and seismic hammers and fueled by battle lust, burst through the outer defenses, toppling bunkers and the massive gates to the fortress, allowing a sea of Berserkers to swarm into the breach. By the burning fires of the enemy fortress, the World Eaters massacred their brethren without mercy, the buzzing of chainswords and the splash of blood music to the sights and sounds of the Angels of Rapture, even as they died upon the blades of their allies. Intercepted transmissions indicate that the Night Lords seem to have orchestrated the attack upon the Angels of Rapture for reasons unknown. Even as it appears as though the forces of Chaos might be turning on one another, the armies of the Imperial Guard would beg to differ!

While the evacuation of several working camps continues, forces of the Dark Eldar prey upon the weak and isolated. Reports of atrocities continue to roll in from the fringes, butchered corpses, strange mutations, and unexplained pools of viscous substances are flooding the high command. Preemptive strikes against the Dark Eldar positions were launched, the weather and firepower from the guard driving the Zenos scum from their lairs and forcing them into hiding. It has been several days now since reports of attacks have reached high command and the Imperial leaders are cautious in declaring a victory. While fighting the Zenos on the main front, the IG has been waging a war against the forces of chaos as well. With the weapons systems on Hoarfrost Ridge firmly in their control, the 27th has pushed on towards the embattled fortress of the Arbites Precinct, near the ruins of Artemis Hive. Fighting there has been reported between the remnants of a Dark Eldar Kabal and a force of Ultramarines. Their armored companies have come under constant attack by the forces of Night Lords, masquerading as Ultramarines. It seems the traitor Legionnaires are fighting in the guise of Ultramarines, captured, and cannibalized during previous battles, the traitors are using this advantage to get close to perform their hit and run raids. All IG and Marine companies operating in the area have been issued new vox casters, comms and code numbers so identification can be verified, several friendly fire incidents have been reported and both sides are leery when dealing with the other. It seems the Night Lords have sown their seeds of dissention among both the Imperial forces and the Traitor Legions! As the war grinds on, the forces of the Orks continue to engage both sides of the war. The destruction of their airfields only seemed to galvanize their attacks further! 

Using the icy mesas of the Virgrid Plains, the Orks have once again established airfields and the telltale contrails from Ork Bommas again paint the skies across Megiddo Prime. A force of Ultramarines was dispatched to drive the aliens out of their bases. Poor Intel from 10th company led the commanders to believe they were facing a fracture of warring tribes, instead of the cohesive force they found! The Orks attacked from the sky, pounding the Marine column as it entered a narrow defile in the hills. The ground here is highly unstable, and the massive number of bombs being dropped causes the surface to buckle under the pounding. Vast fissures appeared in the frozen surface, many of the heavy tanks of the Ultramarines pitching into them and causing a logjam of tanks on the narrow ledge of the defile. The Orks then attacked with a force of battlewagons and boyz, overwhelming the Marines as they fought to free their vehicles. The air was alive with bolter fire as the Marines dug in and pushed the Orks first wave back. The snows were soon stained with alien ichor, burnt bolter casings, and spent flamer canisters. And still the Orks continued to attack, three more waves in total that day before the Marines were forced to give ground and withdraw. Even now the Ultramarine commanders fume at the ambush, and several of the high-ranking leaders of the 10th company have been relieved of command! Meanwhile the Orks have since used their Trukks to drag out the remaining tanks from the ice and even now are scavenging parts and weapons from the Imperium finest machines. Driving the Orks out will apparently be a long and costly affair…

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