Forces of the Valhallan 1001 descended upon the ruins of the Genetorium near the Precinct house, demo charges in hand to deal with the automated defenses and force fields left behind by the Iron Warriors. As the guardsmen entered the building, the Night Lords sprung their trap. Explosions rocked the ancient building as planted charges blasted through the ceiling grids, burying dozens of guardsmen under a tomb of rock! Reinforcements were mobilized, earth movers and diggers rushing to the scene to help find trapped soldiers. It was then that the Night Lords struck their most devious wound of the war. As the myriad soldiers and civilians worked to remove rubble and debris, traitor forces unleashed a salvo of Whirlwind launchers at the nearby building, collapsing them upon the humans that were engaged in rescuing the Valhallan 1001st! Nearly 3000 lives were snuffed out in an instant, without the Night Lords having to lift a hand. Lord- General Isen was seen to openly weep at the senseless slaughter and has vowed the Night Lords shall suffer for this most heinous of acts!
During the two year purging of the Arbites Precinct of heretics, the Traitor Legions continued to make war upon one another. The forces of the Angels of Rapture, still smarting from the betrayal of the Night Lords, launched preemptive strikes against coastal targets as well as the stronghold of Zebra Station. Once again, with the help of the World Eaters, the Night Lords drove off the enemy, sending the followers of Slaneesh back to their trenches in defeat. Smarting from recent losses, the force of the Angels of Rapture fractured, internal power struggles resulting in the crowning of a new leader, even as the old one was put through the tender mercies of the lash.
Strange natural events are seeming to occur at random, since the arrival of the Ork Rok dubbed "Party Crasher" by the 304th IG. Great upheaveals of lava and hot gases have burst upon the surface of the ice world, like burning wounds festering upon the skin. Rumblings form the mountains have triggered avalanches and the ammonia seas to the south seem to be dissapating into the atmosphere for unknown reasons. The strange changes remain a mystery to all sides involved in the war, it's as if the planet herself is rebelling against the invaders!
The Orks continue to grow in strength as their numbers grow. The battle in orbit is taking a decidedly turn for the better for the Orks, several Kill Kroozers arriving to join the fray. Imperial naval vessels, stretched to the limit with aiding in ground support fire, were unable to stop the Orks from setting up a cordon and landing a Rok on the surface of Megiddo Prime! Bristling with weapons and packed with Orks, the Rok began a steady bombardment of Ultramarine forces to the south of McCready Airfields; the sky lit up by heavy kannon shells and krooze missiles. Captain Pejarious immediately pulled back half a company of Ultramarines form the front to deal with this new threat, even as the Orks moved south to capture vital pipelines and ammo stores from the Imperial Guard garrison at Curfious Ridge. The Orks continue to grow bolder as the forces of the Imperium are being forced to fight a two front war and are unable to bring enough might to bear on the greenskins to end their three.
As the harsh winters are once again drawing to a close, the war has reached its seventh year. The strain on manpower and equipment is getting severe and something must give. As the dawn of the eighth year of the war approaches, chaos has lost much ground but the forces of the Orks continues to grow. What was once a perceived Chaos threat seeming to be crumbling as the Orks continue to take ground…
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